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“Hart School has felt like a very rare gathering of creative energies

I’m a printmaker and artist who teaches and facilitates with adults and children, currently studying for an MA in Art & Design in Education. Hart School has felt like a very rare gathering of creative energies – from different backgrounds, experiences and communication styles. We have become a little family, helping and looking after one another. In my fledgling career as a facilitator, it is probably the most rewarding work I’ve ever done.


“My greatest love is to work with groups of people helping them with their own creativity”

Drawing is central to my practice as a visual artist but my greatest love is to work with groups of people helping them with their own creativity and collaborating on unusual projects. For 25 years I have led the arts group Camberwell Incredibles, a small team of adults with learning disabilities. I have also been part of the Duckie queer arts collective based in Vauxhall. Both these organisations are like family to me.

Hart School has been a unique experience where we have all learnt much from each other. I have seen my own work gain a new confidence and spontaneity that I have picked up from the untrained artists in the group. I’m going to miss the camaraderie.


“Hart School made me question even more how to make knowledge accessible and how to create a collaborative learning environment”

I’m a Brazilian multimedia artist currently based in London. My work revolves around the fluidity of digital media into physical space and how that relates to the ways in which the body itself processes information.

I’m passionate about arts education and Hart School has been an important part of the past three months for me, as it made me question even more how to make knowledge accessible and how to create a collaborative learning environment.

About Hart School

Hart School was initially developed by Hart Club as an intensive 3 month Arts programme designed to be free, inclusive and accessible. It is a radical re-imagining of what it means to nurture creativity and community in an educational setting. Open to adults of all ages, Hart School prioritises those typically excluded from similar opportunities due to financial barriers and lack of specialised support for disabled artists. The programme is a response to a missing sense of nurture and empathy generally lacking in institutionalised places of work and learning.

In designing Hart School we sought to create a holistic programme, putting people first. This has included delicious and healthy communal meals daily, regular one to one check-ins and a lot of inclusive and exploratory fun. We have enlisted a range of creative professionals to share a multitude of different skills with the group. From ceramics to textiles to screen printing, the participants have been able to explore their creativity in formats beyond their existing practices.

What do we do?

Hart Club’s mission is to champion neurodiversity within the Arts.